Sabtu, 23 Februari 2008

RBC Life Sciences Indonesia - Anti Oxidan Terkuat Di Dunia

RBC Life Sciences Indonesia

RBC Life Sciences International Merupakan pelopor di bidang nanotechnology yang akan mengubah masa depan kita. Terdaftar dalam bursa saham Nasdaq, membuka pasar di Indonesia saat ini. Mafaatkan dan segera bergabung dalam bisnis RBC Life Sciences sekarang juga. Bagaimana Anda menikmati hidup apabila KESEHATAN, UANG, dan WAKTU bukan lagi menjadi suatu hambatan ?

5 Alasan mengapa RBC Life Sciences Indonesia Adalah Yang TERBAIK Bagi Anda :

1.Manajemen Yang Prima

Ada tiga bidang terpenting dalam suatu perusahaan Multi-Level Manajemen Pengembangan Produk dan Marketing & Training. Selain bidang Manjemen, perusahaan ini juga memiliki full-time experts yang terdiri dari ahli-ahli kesehatan nutrisi bio-fisika bio-kimia cosmetologist dan lain-lain lihat Scientific Advisory Board dengan puluhan tahun pengalaman di bidangnya. Bergabung RBC Life Sciences Indonesia Sekarang Juga

2.Produk Produk Yang Unik dan Diinginkan Masyarakat.

Produk-produk RBC Life Sciences Indonesia bukan saja dibutuhkan, berkualitas tinggi dan terjangkau harganya tapi juga konsumtif unik dan bahkan trendy sehingga memiliki consumer appeal daya tarik yang tinggi. Ini sangat memudahkan Anda untuk merekomendasikan produk produk tersebut kepada keluarga dan kerabat Anda. Bergabung RBC Life Sciences Sekarang Juga

3.Sistem Bonus Yang Menguntungkan

Sistem kompensasi RBC Life Sciences Indonesia cocok baik untuk pemula maupun mereka yang telah profesional. Kami percaya bahwa sistem kompensasi ini adalah salah satu yang terbaik kalau bukan yang terbaik di dunia.
Ribuan distributor telah menikmati hasil dari system bonus ini, bahkan banyak diantaranya yang telah mendapatkan penghasilan hingga ratusan juta per bulan.

4.Sistem Training Yang Didesain Untuk Anda

Walaupun memiliki tujuan yang sama, tapi kepribadian setiap orang tidak sama. Oleh sebab itu RBC Life Sciences Indonesia menyediakan training teknis dan workshop untuk mengenal diri Anda sendiri, sehingga Anda bisa memilih cara yang paling efisien untuk mengembangkan bisnis RBC Life Sciences Anda.

5.Timing Yang Sempurna

RBC Life Sciences Indonesia mempunyai tekad untuk menjadi salah satu perusahaan raksasa di Multi-Level dalam masa mendatang dan berkembang ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Target kami: 125 negara di tahun 2010.
RBC Life Sciences memiliki dasar yang kuat untuk mencapai ambisi tersebut. SEKARANGlah waktu yang paling tepat untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama keluarga besar RBC Life Sciences.

Siapkah Anda Mendesain Masa Depan Anda Sendiri?

Kembali menjadi pelopor: untuk pertama kalinya di dunia MLM RBC LifeSciences memperkenalkan bonus "real-time" langsung ke rekening ATAS NAMA ANDA - bukan e-wallet perusahaan atau sejenisnya. Bonus Anda langsung tersedia untuk Anda. Bila Anda perduli berapa cepat Anda dibayar atas jerih payah Anda, inilah momen yang paling berarti bagi kerir Anda.

Selain memberikan bonus Sponsor Genesis dalam hitungan detik, RBC juga membayarkan total pay-out bonus Genesis 62.5% - ...% (buat apa bilang...... hingga 95% kalu kenyataannya cuma 5%, ya nggak?).

RBC memberikan bukti bukan bahasa promosi: dengan kerja keras yang sama, Anda mendapatkan bonus lebih cepat dan lebih besar (kalau ada yang cepat dan besar, buat apa mikirin yang lambat dan kecil?).

Apa ya kata Founder RBC, Dr. Clinton Howard tentang bonus 'Real-Time' ini? Dengarkan kata adn pesan beliau dalam acara B.O.S.S.

Jangan lupakan nomor undian "China Paradise 2007" Anda - siapa tahu Andalah orang yang beruntung untuk mengikuti training Forum di China bersama Dr. Clinton Howard. Langka. Edukatif. Inspiratif.

Pastikan Anda naik ke atas panggung untuk menerima Reward Genesis atau penghargaan lain atas kerja-keras Anda di depan media Ibu-Kota. Ajak prospek Anda untuk menunjukkan Anda adalah "Leader"!

Pastikan prospek Anda menyaksikan "5 Pilar RBC LifeSciences" dalam format dan kemasan presentasi yang lebih menarik, padat, dan 'menyegarkan'. Inilah alasan lain untuk menunjukkan kepada prospek Anda bahwa RBC bukan hanya sebagai 'kendaraan' menggapai masa depan yang solid, sejahtera, dan menjanjikan, tapi juga sebagai 'kendaraan' untuk kita mendesain masa depan kita sendiri.

Kini hanya ada 1 pertanyaan: "siapkah ANDA MENDESAIN masa depan ANDA sendiri?"

RBC Life Sciences Product Spec

Daily Essentials
Your daily routine includes many things, and taking care of yourself should be at the top of the list. This includes eating right, taking time out for exercise, and taking high quality supplements to ensure optimum health. Here are the basics that we feel everyone should take every day.

Immune Support
Supporting your immune system is key to maintaining your health. Your immune system protects you from foreign invaders and keeps unhealthy cells at bay. In this day and age, it is imperative that we provide our body with nutrients that support our immune systems and help it do its critical job of protecting our health.

Heart Health
Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day and we want to ensure that each beat is as strong and healthy as the next. That is why RBC Life Sciences provides products that support our heart health in powerful ways. Men and women alike can benefit from supporting their hearts with these targeted nutrients.

Joint Support
If you are over 20 years of age, your bones have moved in their joints more than a million times. At some point your joints may feel some discomfort. Fortunately there are nutrients that can support our joints and keep things moving smoothly and comfortably so you can enjoy a healthy, active life.

A growing number of health professionals now recommend cleansing and detoxification as a way of achieving optimum health. It is estimated that the average American has over 400 toxic substances in their body. It is no wonder that cleansing has helped so many people achieve the energy and vitality they have always dreamed of.

Digestive Health
Digestion must go smoothly for our body to obtain the nutrients it needs to function well and stay healthy. When things go array our body tells to us in many ways! Digestive health products from RBC can help you live more comfortably and experience the energy and wellbeing that comes with proper digestion.

Whole Food Nutrition
RBC Scientists have been pioneering research on whole food nutrition for over three decades. These foods will cleanse, detoxify, and nourish your body on a cellular level. Supplementing with whole foods can help fill in the gaps of our nutrient depleted diets and help you live a healthier life for years to come.

Hormonal Help
Our hormones require a delicate balance, and when age, stress and other factors compromise this balance we often experience some unpleasant side effects. Products in this category can help you slow the aging process, support hormone balance, and ensure that you get the restful sleep you need for optimal health.

Children's Health
Our children deserve the best, and products from RBC Life Sciences are the perfect way to support your child’s health. These products can be safely given to children to support their digestion, immunity, mental abilities and overall health. Let your entire family reap the benefits of these high quality nutritional supplements.

RBC body care

At RBC Life Sciences, we believe you deserve the very best in nutritional and personal care products. That is why we carefully research our ingredients and create formulas with the help of doctors and scientists who have a reputation for excellence. Our products are backed by years of scientific research that demonstrate their safety and effectiveness.
A growing number of doctors and health care professionals from around the world count on RBC for the nutritional products they need to help their patients achieve optimum health. They know the reputation of RBC Life Sciences to provide only the purest, most beneficial products, and they would settle for nothing less.

Every day thousands of people turn to RBC Life Sciences because they want to enjoy their life for many years to come. They realize that their health is not something to take for granted. We understand that these products may hold the key to enhancing your health and improving your quality of life, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

Tribble's Take: I am intimately familiar with another company (Oasis LifeSciences)* that uses Nanotechnology and has Life Sciences in their name and I think the name change from Royal Body Care to RBC Life Sciences is a recent one. I also know that giving out product samples is a key part of Oasis LifeSsiences and it looks like RBC has adopted the same philosophy or vice versa.

Oasis has a couple of obvious lead products, I did not find the same for RBC. I believe a lead products is important to alleviate confusion among associates.

While the product line appears to be similar, the compensation plans are not. Oasis LifeSciences appears to pay better at all levels.

*I feel that an asterisk is in order here. I am an associate with Oasis LIfeSciences. I do not plan on comparing all companies to the company I am involved with but the similarities of these two companies are impossible to overlook. One of them is borrowing (stealing?) ideas from the other, or they are both borrowing ideas from each other.

I welcome all comments from RBC Life Sciences associates.

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